Our Locations
See where we are operating
From sports arenas to events
E-Work Arena - Busto Arsizio
In partnership with UYBA volley & Rossofood
We serve a stadium with a capacity of 4.490 people

Palazzetto di Cuneo
In partnership with Cuneo volley & Anduma Cafe
We serve a stadium with a capacity of 4.700 people

Palaferraris - Casale Monferrato
In partnership with Monferrato Basket & Stefi Bar
We serve a stadium with a capacity of 3.510 people

Baltur Arena - Cento
In partnership con Benedetto XIV Cento
We serve a stadium with a capacity of 2.000 people

Maglie (LE)
Mercatino del gusto
We serve as a booking system for the fine dining experience in an event with over 40.000 attendees
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